Liechtenstein: Service stations for kids? feet and shoes in pre-schools:


A great idea and a real investment in the future is being put into action in Liechtenstein: In an initiative by the Office of Health (Amt f?r Gesundheit, AG) of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Minister Martin Meyer is having convenient measuring stations for kids? feet and shoes installed in all of the principality?s kindergartens and pre-schools.

From 2006 to 2006, the Austrian research team ?Children?s Feet ? Children?s Shoes? conducted research in the Principality of Liechtenstein on the fit of pre-schoolers? outdoor shoes, house shoes and slippers. The negative results (for example, 70% of the children were wearing house shoes or slippers that were too short in length) were the inspiration for the creation of a fun, bright-coloured measuring station for placement in kindergartens und child care centres. Now parents can measure the length of their children?s feet and the inside length of their shoes at any time to make sure they still fit properly.

Caption: Minister Martin Meyer, little Julia and the new measuring station for kids? feet and shoes.